Saturday, October 1, 2011


School is going how i expected it would go. The classes are not that hard as i thought they would be and im actually doing good in all my classes. College is just you want to succeed in your life. College is not for all people and at first I thought college wasn't for me. I wasn't sure if college wasn't for me and was afraid that I wasn't going to succeed in my first year. College classes wasn't how I expect it would be either. I knew it was going to harder but it wasn't as hard as I expected. Doing your schoolwork is all you had to do and you won't have any excuse why you shouldn't pass your classes. PLus, you can always get help from your teacher or tudors. If you don't know the class or the work in it, the teachers at the school will help you succeed to help pass college and help you get a better life for you and your family and that what you always wanted your life to be like. Being succussful is what I want to be when I grow up. you have to manage your time and do all your work to pass your classes. Getting advice from upperclassmen is a good way to help you get a clue was what going to happen to you. Getting advice about what college is going to be like and how to manage your time and what classes you should take to get your degree plan is a great way to go. If you know what you going to have to do and get a headstart os it, you won't have a bad start and will ignore college. Being a business major, I don't know what the classes I have to take and im getting advice advice about what classes to take and im getting a headstart to where I need to do in my college degree. It help me know what classes I should take and the teachers that teach it the best. This information will help me get through my college future more easier. All I want is a good future for me and my family because that all i want is to be able to support my family. Who doesn't want to be able to support your family and have a well paying job and have no care in the world. My family is the thing I care about and I want them to be well taken care of and that all I want them to be and they lives taking care of.

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