Saturday, September 3, 2011


All through my high school years, my teachers always try to tell us how college and the real world was going to be to us after we graduate high school. My teachers warn of about managing our time, reading books, and studying was going to the most trouble in college. Knowing me I hate to read for a long period of time because i can get distracted easily. English is my worst subject over any other subject. Science is also kinda hard for me but i rather do science the english. When college actually started, I was shocked that my teachers were telling me the truth. My first week I was having a problem keeping up with my work. It had me waking up early in the morning or staying up late at night just to finish a project or homework the teacher had issue to me and me forgeting to do. I never had this problem in high school. We usually do our homework assignment doing the class period. I never used to take any homework home unless it was a project that i had to make for a teachers. I had the get some help with some of my homework ,and i had to get some advice from my family who been through college to help me know how to manage time. They gave me some advice and i ended up getting better in my time management. Football is way different in college than it is high school. Football is like a job and you got to know what you doing or you will be fired. Everything in college football is more intense and the knowledge of the game. My coaches know alot of helpfully hints to help me succeed in my games and in life. Sometimes i wonder if football really for me because you spend most of your time watching film or practicing. Any spare time you get you doing homework for another class. You really have to manage your time and if you know me, Im not that good in managing my time that good. Football in high school was if you was good you will play ,but in college their are other people that are as good as you so you better know your plays and what you doing. College isnt what everybody was telling me it was going to be. The work isnt how hard i thought it was going to be. It make you think ,but not how i thought it was going to be. All you gotta do is pay attention to your teachers and if you dont know the subject all that well you can get extra help. That one reason I like TLU because you get that face to face attention. That help me learn easily and it helps the teacher get to know you as a person.   

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